Bone anchored hearing aid
A bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) is a surgically implanted hearing device designed for people with hearing loss. It is a well-established hearing solution for patients suffering from conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and single-sided deafness.
A BAHA is based on the principle of direct bone conduction. Therefore, in patients using a BAHA, the environmental sound vibrations are directly transmitted to the inner ear bypassing the outer and middle ear.
More recently newer devices have expanded the range of people who could benefit from a bone anchored hearing device. There are now several “active” transcutaneous Bone anchored hearing devices that can be offered to patients with mixed hearing loss (ie conductive and sensorineural hearing loss) including the Osia system from Cochlear and the Bonebridge from Med El.
BAHA can be offered to children older than 4 years. Prior to 4 a soft band device is worn which is a bone conduction hearing aid on a headband.